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Category: Agriculture & Gardening -> Animal husbandry -> Sheep and Goats

Country: Pakistan

Language of presented products: All | polish | english

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[Pakistan]sheep casing

Dear Sir we can supply you salted sheep casing and salted green casing for more detail you can visit website waiting M.NADEEM[...]


[Pakistan]Sheep casings

We are in practice for last 40-years. We have selected and no-selected sheep/goat casing those are cleaned intestines of sheep and goat. We have all calibers and qualities in separate dia-meter as 16.18, 18.20, 20.22, 22.24 and 24.26mm with 'A', 'B' and 'BC' qualities. Our material of intestines are brought from different borders areas of Pakistan whose texture is most strong and color is much lighter than other countries material. We make 91-meters hank as salted and its slippery doesn't go away[...]
