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Category:Food & Beverages -> Food & related products -> Flour

Country:Russian Federation

Featured companies

Zolotoy Kolos CLL more

Country: Russian Federation
Region: Russian Federation
City: Chelyabinsk
Street: St. Vorochilov 35
Phone: +7 351 2482252
Firm Rank: 0
The company offers to delivery a flour wheaten the premium, first and second grade. The flour is made in Russia Federation. We can deliver 500 - 10,000 tons and more every month. The quality of flour corresponds to norms of Russia Federation. Delivery of flour will be carried in regular intervals during one month. The flour is packed till 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 kilograms. Wheat flour it is delivered according to the concluded contracts and it is regular in a current of all year. By request[...]